Balıklıgöl is 150 meters long and 30 meters wide. Its depth is around 3-5 meters. There are carp type fishes, which are the subject of legends. These fish are respected by the people and are not eaten. According to the legend, Hz. After Abraham is thrown into the fire, a miracle happens and everything becomes rosy. It is believed that the place where this miracle took place is Balıklıgöl and its surroundings. It reaches the highest number of visitors during religious holidays as well as Mevlit and Kandil nights.
On the Balıklıgöl Plateau, Hz. There is also the cave where Abraham was born. The cave where Hz.Abraham, who is considered to be the ancestor of three monotheistic religions, was born, also has many visitors. There are visits to this cave in every season of the year from every religion, every country and every city. Right next to the cave where Prophet Abraham was born, there is also the tomb where Beddiūzaman Said Nursi, who was the religious scholar of the period he lived, was first buried after his death.
Balıklıgöl is the center of attraction for Şanlıurfa tourism. It is located just south of Halil-ür Rahman Lake, in front of the Urfa Castle, and is a lake with an area of 150 square meters. According to the legend; After Prophet Ibrahim was thrown into the fire, Nemrut's daughter Zeliha was also sent to Hz. Because he loves Ibrahim very much and believes in him, he can't stand being thrown into the fire, and he throws himself into the fire. The place where Zeliha fell turns into a lake.
Balıklıgöl, 150 metre uzunluğunda ve 30 metre genişliğindedir. Derinliği 3-5 metre civarındadır. İçinde efsanelere konu olan sazan türü balıklar bulunmaktadır. Bu balıklara halk tarafından saygı gösterilir ve yenilmez. Rivayete göre Hz. İbrahim ateşe atıldıktan sonra, bir mucize gerçekleşir ve etraf güllük gülistanlık olur. Bu mucizenin gerçekleştiği mekânın Balıklıgöl ve çevresi olduğuna inanılır. Dini bayramlar da ile Mevlit ve Kandil gecelerinde en yüksek ziyaretçi sayısına ulaşır.